This is the web page for the chemistry bachelor/master student organization at Uppsala University. Check what we are up to at the moment, what we have done, or what we are planning to do (we are still in the beginning of utilizing this website, so it does not have that much content yet). To become…
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Till nya studenter på kandidatprogrammet i kemi 2023
Välkomna till kandidatprogrammet i kemi på Uppsala universitet. Det här är en välkomsttext/guide från ett studentperspektiv gällande några olika grejer vi har kommit att tänka på. För officiell information hänvisar vi till universitetets websidor och det/de välkomstmejl ni fått eller kommer få. Mottagning Kandidatprogrammet i kemi har en gemensam mottagning med de som börjar kandidatprogram…
Continue ReadingBi-annual meeting
The date for the bi-annual meeting has been set to 6/12 at 17:30 in Sonja Lyttkens hall. If you are on the mailing list you should already have received an email about the meeting, but if you haven’t – the meeting is where a lot of the positions in the organisation are filled (see the…
Continue ReadingChemistry BBQ
Dear chemists,On Monday (September 5th) 17dk (around 17:30) the annual chemistry BBQ will be held. This is the one time a year you can order a burgundy party labcoat. They will cost 450 SEK and will hopefully be delivered in a month. You pay when you order and can do so by either swish or…
Continue ReadingDate of graduation ceremony autumn 2022
Hi! The faculty of Science and Technology has set the date for the 2022 graduation ceremony. It will take place on the 9th of October, which might be good to know if you are going to graduate this spring/summer. A little additional information can be found in the documents below. Note that you can’t sign…
Continue ReadingMember meeting tomorrow!
Good morning everyone! Tomorrow IUPAK has a member meeting, and as usual everyone who is a bit interested in what is going on in the organization is encouraged to show up. This meeting is perhaps especially important as we finally have a “section room”, and during the meeting we will discuss practical things about the…
Continue ReadingHappy Holidays!
Hope that everyone gets some well-deserved time to relax! An update from the biannual meeting that we had a couple of weeks ago – we have a new board (and all other positions were filled, too)! They’re going to do a great job. Also, the 13th of December, our traditional “Chemia”-celebration was held, which we…
Continue ReadingUtnarm – The student union career fair
Hi! Just wanted to say that the annual career fair held by the union for engineering and science students is coming up. The actual fair (which is virtual this year) will be held the 11th of November. However, there is a lot of activities happening in the weeks before the fair, so I would recommend…
Continue ReadingGathering for the master’s and Erasmus students
Hello all masters and Erasmus students! IUPAK invites you to a special gathering for the master’s students in chemistry where we will, among other things, hold a little presentation about what it is like to write an exam in Uppsala, and give some great tips for it. We will also discuss how the studies are going in general,…
Continue ReadingStudy evenings
Hello!During the remaining weeks of the autumn semester, we thought we would have some study evenings together!We start next week on Wednesday, 6/10, and after that we will have study evenings every other Wednesday, as a start. If there is interest, it may change to become even more frequent!So come and study, ask older students…
Continue ReadingBecome a member – Guide in English
Good evening! A board member took some time to translate the form you need to fill in to become a member of IUPAK (we are connected to the organization “Unga forskare” so we can’t make our own form, and theirs is only in Swedish). It would be awesome to get some new members (membership is…
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